[ITK] [ANN] ITK 4.8.2 has been released!

Matt McCormick matt.mccormick at kitware.com
Tue Nov 17 10:23:59 EST 2015

On behalf of the Insight Toolkit Community, we are happy to announce
the release of ITK 4.8.2!

Release files can be downloaded from:


This is a patch release that fixes critical issues, regressions,
documentation, and compiler support. For compiler support, this
release adds support for Visual Studio 2015 and addresses CMake
configuration on some newer Linux distributions with separate
packaging of the gold linker. There are also a number of other various
fixes, described in the log below. Thanks to all the contributors.

The next feature release, 4.9.0, is scheduled for December, and it
will feature many exciting enhancements!

Enjoy ITK!

Changes from v4.8.1 to v4.8.2:

Bradley Lowekamp (5):
      BUG: Avoid potential exception in itk::Object::UnRegister
      BUG: Avoid null deference in PrintSelf with default construction
      BUG: Use const pointer in Set method for constant ReferenceImage ivar
      BUG: Fix segfault when with empty IsolatedWatershed Threshold range
      BUG: Reduce number of targets with MSVC

Davis Vigneault (3):
      COMP: Warnings in itkVTKImageExport when compiling with c++11
      DOC: Expanded Canny Edge Detection Example
      COMP: Warnings in FFTW Classes when compiling with c++11

Eugene Prilepin (1):
      BUG: Fix a template name formation in python wrappings

Hans Johnson (5):
      STYLE: Minor code style issues for MGHIO
      COMP: Update to version for WikiExamples
      ENH: Update Sphinx for ITK 4.8.0
      ENH: Update MGHIO to be shared lib
      BUG: Fix MGHIO to fix write failures

Hyun Jae Kang (5):
      BUG: Fix HDF5 CMake configuration with VS2015
      BUG: Remove std::cout calls from class
      BUG: itkVTKImageIO class does not handle blank lines in VTK file header.
      BUG: Fixed older XCode linking error
      COMP: Fix data-conversion warning messages on Windows

Matthew McCormick (10):
      COMP: Do not use C++11 alignas in itkAlignedTypedef.
      COMP: Remove unused argument in ConditionVariableNoThreads.
      DOC: Correct spelling of Continuous.
      COMP: Fix KernelTransform SetFixedParameters argument type.
      STYLE: Use prefix increment operator in ImageBase.
      COMP: Use ITK's pygccxml by correctly setting up the sys.path
      COMP: Set CMP0054 to new.
      BUG: Remove duplicate inclusion of wrapping submodules.
      BUG: Fix detection of the gold linker.
      ENH: Bump CMakeLists.txt version to 4.8.2.

Michka Popoff (1):
      COMP: Disable incompatible modules when using Python 3 wrapping

Mikhail Isakov (1):
      BUG: DiffusionTensor3DReconstruction segfault if no baseline image

Simon Alexander (1):
      BUG: incorrect closest point computation

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