[ITK] [ITK-dev] itkGradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter cxx code

Antonio Carlos da Silva Senra Filho acsenrafilho at gmail.com
Tue Apr 15 18:26:58 EDT 2014

Hi everybody!

I'm new in ITK development codes, but what I need is the Perona and Malik
source code.
However, I do not found the source code of the Anisotropic Diffusion Filter
that is implemented in the ITK. In the
Module/Filtering/AnisotropicSmoothingfolder is
onle the .h and .hxx files. Where is the main algorithm, probably an .cxx or.
txx file?
Please, someone could tell me where is the source code for this filter?
I'm not sure if it is a naive question, but any help will be wonderful!

Thank you all!

*Antonio Carlos da Silva Senra Filho*
*PhD - Applied Physics in Medicine and Biology*
*CSIM *- *Group of Computing in Signals and Images in Medicine*
*FFCLRP* - *USP* - *Ribeirão Preto - SP - Brazil*
*Website: *dcm.ffclrp.usp.br/csim
Cell Phone.: +55 (16) 98154-3099
Labs Phone.: +55 (16) 3602-0376
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