[ITK Community] [Insight-developers] Building Matlab Mex extensions that link to ITK?

Williams, Norman K norman-k-williams at uiowa.edu
Tue Nov 19 12:59:15 EST 2013

Has anyone else come up with an elegant solution for this?

If I want to call ITK from a Matlab MEX extension written in C++, I run
into problems with telling it the libraries with which to link.

The ITK_LIBRARIES variable is a list of imported library targets which
CMake converts to actual library paths when it links a library or

But to compile a MEX file, we're using a custom command along the lines of

   add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${MEX_PREFIX}.${MATLAB_MEX_EXT}
                     COMMAND ${MATLAB_MEX_PATH} -cxx
                     -I${Teem_INCLUDE_DIR} -L${Teem_LIBRARY_DIR}  -lteem
                     DEPENDS ${MEX_SRC_PATH}
                     IMPLICIT_DEPENDS C ${MEX_SRC_PATH}
                     COMMENT "BUILDING MEX_FILE: ${MEX_SRC_PATH}" )

But that doesn't work because CMake gives the target names in
ITK_LIBRARIES instead of the actual libraries.

I tried this:


foreach(lib ${ITK_LIBRARIES})
  get_target_property(_lib ${lib} IMPORTED_LOCATION)

  list(APPEND ITK_LOCAL_LIBS ${_lib})endforeach()

But all the IMPORTED_LOCATION for ITK libraries is _lib-NOTFOUND

Kent Williams norman-k-williams at uiowa.edu

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