[CMake] error executing script with cmake -P

Edoardo Pasca edo.paskino at gmail.com
Mon Oct 14 07:00:06 EDT 2019

Dear all,

I am using external project. I would like to patch a source file. I came
out with a cmake script that does the string replacement I'm interested in.

I tested in a standalone project, with the following CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4)
file (STRINGS TestData.py testdata NEWLINE_CONSUME)
string(REPLACE "sys.prefix" "os.environ[\'SIRF_INSTALL_PATH\']" patched
file( WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/TestData.py ${patched} )

and as a matter of facts this does the string replacement I'm interested in.

Good, now I would like to use this to the project I'm really interested in
which uses the ExternalProject_Add machinery. I added the patch step:


file (WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/patch_script.cmake "
${${proj}_SOURCE_DIR}/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/framework/TestData.py testdata
string(REPLACE \"sys.prefix\" \"os.environ[\\\'SIRF_INSTALL_PATH\\\']\"
patched \${testdata})
file( WRITE
\${patched} ) ")


... )


Notice that I write the patch_script.cmake before the ExternalProject_Add

Now, all of this WORKS. Or at least I get the patch_script.cmake file in
the proper directoty, with the content I want. However, execution with
cmake -P patch_script.cmake doesn't work as expected.

I get
CMake Error at build/patch_script.cmake:3 (string):
  string sub-command REPLACE requires at least four arguments.

Given that the patch_script.cmake has the same content of the standalone
CMakeLists.txt above (without the first 2 lines), I don't know where things
don't go well, except that I execute the script with cmake -P

cmake version 3.15.2

Thanks for any help.


I know you think you understand what you thought I said, but I'm not sure
you realize that what you heard is not what I meant (prob. Alan Greenspan)
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