Setzer Sebastian (CM-CI2/ECS2) Sebastian.Setzer at de.bosch.com
Tue Oct 8 09:08:50 EDT 2019

Dear list,
I need to run a tool after building an executable, which will modify the executable itself.
I intend to extend the toolchain for this, because it shall be done for every executable on this particular operating system.

I think for this purpose, I need to change the rule CMAKE_<LANG>_LINK_EXECUTABLE.
And I think I can't put multiple commands into that rule, so I need to write a wrapper which will be called instead of the normal linker, and the calls the normal linker and then that special tool.

Right, so far?

Now I'd like to pass a few additional parameters to this tool, which I'd like to get from a special target property.

The rule currently looks like this:

And I wonder what these placeholders in angle brackets mean, and if there are more placeholders available. The manual doesn't say anything about this, unfortunately:

Is there, for example, a way to access arbitrary target properties?
Or do I need to hide my special parameters somewhere in the LINK_OPTIONS property?

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