[CMake] Looking for an explanation: What exactly means "install" in cmake language?

Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Mon Oct 7 10:23:53 EDT 2019

I'll try some answer.
In order to illustrate my words have a look at this figure:

1) When cmake "runs" (both cmake and generation times) you get your build
tree configured and populated
2) At build times all build artefact are constructed *in the build tree*
3) Then when you *install* you copy files/targetd/... from the build tree
down to the "install location".

The fact that CMake install command are "processed" during 1) does not copy
anything before actual [generated] install command are executed during 3).

Le lun. 7 oct. 2019 à 15:44, Cornelis Bockemühl <cornelis at bockemuehl.ch> a
écrit :

> Constantly I am stumbling over the word "install" in the context of cmake
> scripts - while it is pretty clear that the word cannot mean what nowadays
> people would understand by that term! But even reading the docs forwards
> and backwards, studying examples and some generic cmake tutorials I still
> do hot have a PRECISE idea about what it is actually doing and what the
> purpose is. Well, I can see everywhere HOW it is done - but it is sometimes
> an advantage if you also know WHAT!
> I know that this question is probably so stupid that I do not really
> expect anybody to answer it here in the mailing list, but maybe somebody
> can point me to a resource that explains it in a language that a "mere
> mortal programmer" can follow?
> So far I have a certain kind of understanding, and sometimes it looks like
> this is correct, but then again I have my certain doubts. I am using
> install(TARGETS), install(FILES) and install(EXPORT) so far, and the way I
> am doing it I mostly picked from some general intros and tutorials. And
> from what I understand, this is what I expect to happen:
> install(FILES): some files are copied from some location in the build tree
> to some installation location
> install(EXPORT): some cmake script is written that a "derived" project can
> call (through find_package) in order to get knowledge about my project
> install(TARGET): not really an idea what should happen: also some copying
> from build tree to installation tree I suppose
> Now I also learned that the install step does not happen during a normal
> build "all" - like "ninja all", but requires an extra "ninja install" step.
> And also I saw that you can adapt the target of the installation process
> like this in your project - if you never ever expect the build to be
> "installed" anywhere else:
> "" FORCE)
> With this I would expect to generate an install folder in parallel to the
> bin, lib64 and other folders in the build tree, collecting there all the
> "products" of the build for further processing by a derived project.

Nope. CMake will be using the declarative install(...) command
and CMAKE_INSTALL_xxx variables values *at CMake times* in order to
generate scripts
that will be run when you do "ninja install" / "make install".

> But what I see is actually - almost nothing!
> Well, the install(FILES) actually copies a file, and the install(EXPORT)
> indeed generates a cmake script, but from the install(TARGET) I see no
> effect: the install folder remains completely empty! Still I see in the log
> many things like "Installing: /.../install/bin/<somefile>" - but I never
> find then <somefile> in that indicated location. But yes, it said
> "installing", not "copying" - so I am back to my initial question: what the
> hell is "installing" in cmake language?

Copying some build tree artefact to the specified install location.

> So basically my problem is: I cannot judge whether my script is working
> because I simply do not know what SHOULD be the effect of install(TARGET)!
> Ah yes, my build tree is after a "normal build" ("all", not "install")
> full of cmake_install.cmake files that would probably have something to do
> with that "installation" process, but what? Am I supposed to call them on
> any occasion or are they supposed to be called automatically at some moment?

cmake_install.cmake are cmake scripts that are executed when you do
"ninja install" i.e. when you build the pseudo target "install".

> Finally, I managed to get also some find_package() working for my project.
> The "heart" of this is a <Project>Config.cmake script that I am generating
> during the project build, and which I can write in whatever way I want. For
> example, I am reading everywhere that I am supposed to do an
> install(EXPORT) in order to make that find_package() happen, but since I do
> not really understand what it is supposed to do, and I also see that I can
> simply write that Config file in such a way that it picks things from where
> the build process puts them, I do not really see the point.
> In other words: I tend to simply write config scripts for the import that
> rely on the build tree and simply skip that install step - because getting
> this to work is so difficult if you never know what is supposed to happen
> how and at what stage of the process and under which conditions!
> But then I see that others are still using the install() steps, so there
> is probably still some meaning in it...

Your build tree contains absolute path that may not be used to prepare a
package (RPM, DEB, or any other binary installer) for which the content
should usually be relocatable, i.e. may be installed
at another prefix than the one used for your build tree.

So IF such a thing exists, like a comprehensive explanation about what
> "install" actually means and what it is supposed to do at what stage of the
> process, I would be very happy and thankful!

Chapter 25 of Professionnal CMake
(https://crascit.com/professional-cmake/) contains
many things about that.
Chapter 10 of CMake Cookbook (
contains valuable examples as well..

> Best regards,
> Cornelis
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