[CMake] Using CMake with TI armcl and armar

Eric Doenges doenges at mvtec.com
Mon Nov 11 03:18:41 EST 2019

Am 09.11.19 um 00:15 schrieb Samyukta Ramnath:
> I want to add a CC1352P1_LAUNCHXL_TIRTOS.cmd  file, which has been 
> added in the CCS linker command, but I am unable to include It in my 
> linker command. I tried the following things :
> set_target_properties(test.out PROPERTIES LINK_DEPENDS 
> I have also tried passing it in with the cmake command as
> >> cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../Toolchain_ticomp.cmake 
> None of these options helped.
> This .cmd file has details about stack size, heap size, entry point etc.
As I said, the project using cgtools never went anywhere, so I never got 
to the point that I needed to worry about linker command files, so I can 
only give general hints, not a specific solution. That being said, 
setting CMAKE_LINKER will not work, because that specifies the 
executable to use as the linker. You could try adding 
CC11352P1_LAUNCHXL_TIRTOS.cmd with add_link_options() or 
target_link_options() like so:

target_link_options(<target> <path to CC1352P1_LAUNCHXL_TIRTOS.cmd>)

cmake should simply pass the command file through to the linker.

> I would also like some clarification on where to add the linker 
> command --rom_model as when I add it to the CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS 
> variable in the Toolchain.cmake file, my cmake hangs at “Detecting CXX 
> compiler ABI info”
CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS should be the correct place to do this if you 
want any target you build with this toolchain to use --rom_model. 
However, if you are going to set this in the toolchain file, you should 
set CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT instead. This is because cmake will set 
CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS based on the contents of 
CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT and compiler-specific knowledge when it 
encounters the project() command after reading the toolchain file.

Alternatively, you could try adding the --rom_model using the 
add_link_options or target_link_options commands


*Dr. Eric Dönges*
Senior Software Engineer

MVTec Software GmbH | Arnulfstr. 205 | 80634 Munich | Germany
doenges at mvtec.com <mailto:mustermann at mvtec.com> | Tel: +49 89 457 695-0 
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