[CMake] How to Build Subdirectory CMake Project GLFW and Change Targets

junk email mlg420sniperxxx69 at gmail.com
Fri May 17 02:55:37 EDT 2019


I am trying to understand how to build a subdirectory project that has its
own CMakeLists.txt file already setup. In this case, I am using the open
source library GLFW to help me with some of my OpenGL applications. Here is
a sample directory structure I am working with.

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── MainProject
├── build
└── glfw-3.3

The folder MainProject is where I will be doing all my own development and
has a src, include, and lib folder associated with it. The glfw-3.3
directory was downloaded from online and has its own CMakeLists.txt file as
mentioned previously. So if I were to build my project from the current
build directory shown here, how should I add the glfw library to it and
also change its target outputs?

Answers online suggest using ExternalProject_Add(), while others say to
simply add_subdirectory() and then change some of the properties. I want to
be able to have a user run the root CMake file and have the targets be
correctly placed (since users might be on different operating systems).
Either way I have not been able to find an explicit example, perhaps my
Googling skills for CMake are lacking, and any help on this would be
appreciated. Thank you for your time.

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