[CMake] CMake with FetchContent instead of Git Submodules

Dustyn Blasig dustyn at blasig.us
Thu Jun 27 22:17:59 EDT 2019

Hi All,

I'm attempting to replace our use of git submodules with FetchContent flows
instead so we can pull pre-built packages if they already exist instead of
buildings locally.

However, I need to support a flow similar to Git submodules where
developers can edit a submodule and then rebuild the enclosing project
incrementally. Things seem to work OK if I jump into the fetched source
directories and check out branches, etc. However, even if I move the
download and source/unpacked folders outside the build (binary) directory
and then delete the build directory, rerunning CMake will blast away the
unpacked source even if the last extraction was with the same checksummed
download. I need to ensure a "clean" won't delete someones work in a
submodule, which is one reason why Git makes it hard to uninit and remove

Is there a best practice for a flow like this that I can replicate?

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