[CMake] ExternalProject install

Bálint Aradi baradi09 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 16 15:24:15 EDT 2019

Dear All,

I try to understand the install logic for ExternalProjects. I added
several CMake-based external projects to my main build, using the
ExternalProject_Add() method. If I generate the build system and issue
'make install', the external projects install routines are also
triggered. Is that the expected behaviour? (I have set INSTALL_COMMAND
to "" in the ExternalProject_Add() call.)

Is there a way, to switch this behaviour on or off? The only way I could
achieve this was to put the CMakeLists.txt with the
ExternalProject_Add() call into a subfolder and call that subfolder with
add_subdirectory(.... EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL). But this is somewhat
inconvinient, since I have to switch the installation on and off
depending on a variable, so I have to add

  add_subdirectory(... EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)

branches for each subproject.

Setting EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL TRUE or FALSE in ExternalProject_Add() routine
did not help either.

Any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


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