[CMake] How to generate Visual Studio project targeting .NET Standard

Felix Krause flyx at flyx.org
Thu Sep 20 06:58:38 EDT 2018

Hi folks,

I am trying to generate a Visual Studio C# project with CMake.
This is what I have so far:

    |cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)

    project(myProject VERSION 0.1.0LANGUAGES CSharp)
    add_library(myLib SHARED src/file1.cs src/file2.cs src/file3.cs)
    set_property(TARGET myLib PROPERTY
                  VS_DOTNET_TARGET_FRAMEWORK_VERSION "netstandard1.4")|

||||I got the framework name from a .csproj file I generated with
Visual Studio that looks like this:


This is what I need in order to build the library for .NET Standard 1.4.
However, CMake generates this (among all the other stuff):

    |<TargetFrameworkVersion>netstandard1.4</TargetFrameworkVersion> |

||This does not seem to be valid, since Visual Studio complains that
it cannot open the project. I did not find anything in the
CMake documentation to set|<TargetFramework>|  instead of|<TargetFrameworkVersion>|.

I also tried to go along with a "normal" TargetFrameworkVersion, "4.6.1".
If I do this, the generated project will target ".NET Framework 4.6.1" and I
cannot change the target framework to ".NET Standard 1.4" in Visual Studio via
the dropdown, as the option is not available. Visual Studio seems to be unable
to switch a project from .NET Framework to .NET Standard after it has been created.

Is it possible to generate a project targeting .NET Standard with CMake?



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