[CMake] How to find GTK3 in CMake

David Demelier markand at malikania.fr
Wed Nov 21 04:36:09 EST 2018

Le 21/11/2018 à 10:19, Jan Wielemaker a écrit :
> Good. I was already considering providing a cmake file after migrating
> SWI-Prolog to cmake. Are there good guidelines for this? Pkg-config asks
> for providing a .pc file and installing in a well-known place. Is there
> a similar place for project cmake `find' files or some other convention
> to make them available to users?

Yes, it requires a little bit of boilerplate as CMake is a bit more 
extensive than pkg-config.


Note: lot of things are optional, this guide shows everything you can do 
with provided package.

But the minimal required is:

1. install(TARGETS yourlibrary EXPORT yourlibrary-targets)
2. install(EXPORT yourlibrary-targets FILE yourlibrary-targets.cmake 
NAMESPACE yourlibrary DESTINATION lib/cmake/yourlibrary)
3. install(FILES yourlibrary-config.cmake DESTINATION lib/cmake/yourlibrary)

And create yourlibrary-config.cmake with




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