[CMake] Super build project with the same library but different version

Jonathan Dumaresq jdumaresq at cimeq.qc.ca
Thu Jun 28 07:23:45 EDT 2018

Hi all,

I try to do something special and I'm not sure if there a way to handle 
the scenario with CMAKE correctly.

I have a superbuild project with 4 library. each library have there test 
suite. I have different unit test framework needed. Here the the folder 






|- Catch2 <--- test framework







     |-CppUTest (version 3.7)<--- test framework








     |-CppUTest (version 3.8)<--- test framework




I would like to ba able to build all the tests suite for all the 
library. The simple add_subdirectory doesn't owrk because of multiple 
target definition for CppUTest. So the first try was with the 
ExternalProject and defining different "target" for cppUTest like

ExternalProject_Add ( cppUTest3.7


ExternalProject_Add ( cppUTest3.8


This is working but I cannot use find_package to find it. I think I need 
to do something else to be able to use find_package on it.

Here the portion of The libA CMakeLists.txt

find_package(CppUTest 3.7)


ExternalProject_Add ( cppUTest3.7




I have the samething for libB but with 3.8 instead of 3.7

1- Is it the only way to handle this scenario ?

2- Is it possible to build all the test framework dependency before 
building the real application (like at configure time) to be able to use 
find_package(CppUTest 3.7) for example ?

3- Is there a better approch to do it ?

I'm relatively new to CMAKE, so maybe I miss something...



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