[CMake] Build and run an external project

James Bigler jamesbigler at gmail.com
Mon Dec 3 19:42:56 EST 2018

I have an external project that I would like to compile using their build
system, and be able to set the VS_COMMAND to the result of the project so I
can run it.

        COMMAND make mytarget ${BUILD_ARGS}
        COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different
      set_property( TARGET ${cmake_target} PROPERTY VS_DEBUGGER_COMMAND

The VS_DEBUGGER_COMMAND works for targets such as add_executable, but not
for add_custom_target.

Is there a way to get what I want?

Note that this is part of a larger CMake project that builds most of the
other stuff using CMake, but I have a few external projects that I would
like as part of the main solution.

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