[CMake] Why does CMake 3.9.0 open VS2017 when targeting 2013 after installing 2017... sigh.

Hendrik Sattler post at hendrik-sattler.de
Tue Aug 14 18:41:23 EDT 2018

Am 15. August 2018 00:20:37 MESZ schrieb Brian Davis <bitminer at gmail.com>:
>Why does CMake 3.9.0 open VS2017 when targeting 2013 after installing
>2017... sigh.
>Without even regenerating or re configuring (even though that has no
>either) when "Open Project" is selected 2017 is opened and not 2013...
>what am I targeting again?  Happened after 2017 install.  How does
>Decide which app to call.... err I got a sneaky suspicion as to how....
>a not so goodly way.
>Sure wishI could get CMake to open VS2013 with the environment vars I
>set when it was called... guess  I'll have to settle for the new and
>improved VS2017 I can't use on the project.

Or probably uses the Qt function to open the project file with the same program that is configured in Explorer. So change it there. There is a Visual Studio version selector but VS2017 can also open some older versions and use their toolkits.


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