[CMake] Ignoring exit code of child process with ctest memcheck run using valgrind

Shane Matley general at matley.com.au
Wed Feb 8 23:53:34 EST 2017


I'm using memcheck in ctest to run valgrind on a test binary which may
sometimes return a non-zero exit code. Valgrind will always return the
exit code of its child process if it doesn't find any problems. (This
occurs even with --error-exitcode=1.) This means that valgrind will
return a non-zero exit code if the child process does, which our CI
system is interpreting as a valgrind error. I have gotten around this in
the past by using either an environment variable or argument to the
child process that makes the child process always return 0.

Now that I am using ctest and memcheck instead of calling valgrind
explicitly, I'm finding it difficult to set the environment variable or
pass an argument to the child process only for memcheck tests. Is there
a way of setting an environment variable or adding arguments to a test
for just memcheck tests, while not affecting a normal test run?

Example usage of ctest:

ctest -D ExperimentalMemCheck

With MEMORYCHECK_OPTIONS = "--error-exitcode=1 --leak-check=full"


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