[CMake] MinGW Compilers on Windows

Kevan Hashemi hashemi at brandeis.edu
Fri Dec 15 10:39:55 EST 2017

Dear Alan,

Thank you for your encouragement to use the "MinGW Makefiles" generator on Windows, and for pointing 
out the mingw32-make alternative to just "make" in MSYS.

> So if you are further interested in the "MinGW Makefiles" generator,
> you should remove all sh.exe versions from your PATH (including sh.exe
> provided by raw Windows), get into a CMD environment, execute cmake
> with the "MinGW Makefiles", and then build your software with
> mingw32-make.exe

I installed the latest version of MinGW with MSYS on my 32-bit Windows 7 virtual machine (which is 
running in VMBox on a MacOS 10.12.6 host computer). I open a CMD terminal (DOS prompt). I do not 
move any sh.exe files. I run cmake with -G "MinGW Makefiles" for Executable_A. The configuration and 
generation complete with no errors and only one warning. In the CMD terminal, I use mingw32-make.exe 
to build Executable_A. The executable runs perfectly when linked dynamically to libraries I 
previously built with "MSYS Makefiles".

I repeat the above process, but when it comes to the build itself, I switch from the CMD terminal to 
the MSYS terminal, and use mingw32-make.exe instead of just "make" (as noted previously, "make" 
takes me to an alternate shell with a Microsoft copyright). The build completes and Executable_A 
runs just fine.

I rebuild my libraries with the "MinGW Makefiles" process, staying in the CMD terminal for both 
stages. The CMake completes with a few minor warnings. The CMD build proceeds at about the same 
speed as the MSYS build (you found the CMD build to be faster). When the build completes, I run 
Executable_A linking dynamically to the new set of "MinGW Makefiles" libraries. The executable runs 

Conclusion: Easiest way to get MinGW Makefile generation is to do it in the CMD terminal. After 
that, you make with mingw32-make in eithger CMD or MSYS. Libraries compiled with either process are 
compatible with one another at any stage of compiling or linking.

Yours, Kevan

Kevan Hashemi, Electrical Engineer
Physics Department, Brandeis University

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