[CMake] Integrating ROOT into Geant4 application

Dim, Odera U Odera_Dim at student.uml.edu
Fri Dec 8 12:36:01 EST 2017


You are right about this but in my honest defense no one asked me to send the files. I have included a RAR file containing the application giving the  error stated (Error in <UnknownClass::InitInterpreter()>: LLVM SYMBOLS ARE EXPOSED TO CLING! This will cause problems; please hide them or dlopen() them after the call to TROOT::InitInterpreter()!

Segmentation fault). Although this project is not completely under my control I have scaled down the application to a minimum that still generates the error above . Thank so much you for your offer to help with this issue. Cheers.

Dim Odera

From: R0b0t1 <r030t1 at gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 7, 2017 7:54:05 PM
To: Dim, Odera U
Cc: cmake at cmake.org
Subject: Re: [CMake] Integrating ROOT into Geant4 application

Mr. Odera,

On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 4:25 PM, Dim, Odera U <Odera_Dim at student.uml.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> First of all sorry but I didn't get any previous mail before this, hence my
> lack of response. I actually had to ask Libby to help me some moments ago
> before I now just received your email.
> Secondly, I have tried to post this issue on both the ROOT and Geant4 forums
> and have not received any feedback so far.
> The application I'm building is for in-house use so it won't be distributed.
> The application I have built in Geant4 has a class (i.e. analysis.cc) that
> uses a number of function header like TH2D.h, TROOT etc to setup a means to
> extract data produced in my Geant4 application. For example I have created
> an instance of analysis.cc in my events class such that after each even I
> can collect the number of particles produced. Now what I have in my
> CMakeList.txt is structured such that the Geant4 application can function
> weather ROOT is installed or not. I have attached my CMakeList.txt file for
> you to kindly look through.

The CMakeList.txt is a good start, but I still need the full text of
the error(s) and I may need the rest of your project to demonstrate
the issue. If you can't publicly share your project you will need to
create a minimum working example that exhibits your problem.

That you didn't initially include any of these is likely why you did
not receive responses on the ROOT and Geant4 forums.

> The error I get as I may have mentioned before in my previous email occurs
> when I run the Geant4 application. Since the error makes mention of the LLVM
> being exposed to cling my little knowledge on the subject inclines me to
> thinking that some how the way I have the Libraries linked to my application
> might be the issue (however, I may be wrong). Also I have been able to
> build, compile and run this Geant4 application with no error if I remove
> ROOT from my build. On the other-hand I have also used ROOT independently of
> Geant4 to process data. Please let me know if you have more question as I
> still don't have the email you sent before the current one. Thank you.

Here are my previous questions:

> Can you provide the text of the errors as they are given? Are you
> experiencing build errors, or are you wanting to quiet runtime
> messages?
> Which OS are you compiling and running on? Which build instructions
>are you following? What are the build commands that you ran?

To add to this, how did you acquire ROOT/Geant4 and which options are
enabled, since it seems your question is about building a program of
your own? Regardless of whether or not you will be distributing
binaries, these are important questions to ask to make sure your
program can be built easily in the future.

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