[CMake] INTERFACE library and path to source.

Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Fri Dec 8 10:42:52 EST 2017

Hi there,

I encounter a weird issue with header-only library.

Somewhere in my source tree I have an header library which consist in a
bunch of headers:

The concerned CMakeLists.txt looks like this:

add_library(MyHeaderLIB INTERFACE)

target_include_directories(MyHeaderLIB INTERFACE

target_sources(MyHeaderLIB INTERFACE

Somewhere else (in another directory) I have another CMakeLists.txt:

add_executable(myexe myexe.cpp)
target_link_libraries(myexe MyHeaderLIB)

and CMake complains when processing it that he cannot find "whatever.h"...

The problem disappear if I use full path in target_source, i.e.:

target_sources(MyHeaderLIB INTERFACE

Why should I do that?
I this the expected behavior / way to create header only library?

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