[CMake] Building ROOT into Geant4 Application

R0b0t1 r030t1 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 7 01:53:32 EST 2017

Mr. Odera,

On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 2:40 PM, Dim, Odera U <Odera_Dim at student.uml.edu> wrote:
> Hi CMake Experts,
> Please I use CMake to build my Geant4 applications with no issues. However,
> recently I needed to build ROOT into my Geant4 application for the purpose
> of extracting and processing simulation data. I have followed the many
> instructions which exist online both on the Genat4 and ROOT sides but none
> seems to produce the required results. The issue i'm having I believe is
> related to the linkage of both Geant4 and ROOT libraries top the generated
> executable during compilation. I am able to configure and generate build
> files with a CMakeLists with no errors. Compilation also seems to also
> complete with no errors but when I run the application I get an error which
> specifies that LLVM are exposed to Cling and so I need to hide them. In my
> CMakeLists (which I can provide to you) I do not explicitly link Cling to my
> executable all I do is link the executable to ROOT libraries
> (${ROOT_LIBRARIES}). Please, could you help me with this issue or do you
> know a way that I could link libraries and not expose LLVM to Cling? Thank
> you.

Can you provide the text of the errors as they are given? Are you
experiencing build errors, or are you wanting to quiet runtime

Which OS are you compiling and running on? Which build instructions
are you following? What are the build commands that you ran? Are you
using Clang, and is it necessary that you use Clang?

If we can't resolve your problem here it is possible I can refer you
to someone off-list, but I am not entirely sure what difficulty you
are having.


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