[CMake] iOS IPA Creation Xcode 8.3.x

Wesio james.weir at wesio.co.uk
Thu Apr 27 08:42:42 EDT 2017

We extensively use CMake in one of our projects and have been successfully
using add_executable with MACOSX_BUNDLE to produce iOS .app artefacts and
then using a custom target to run (via xcrun) PackageApplication to
transform the .app to a .ipa.

Unfortunately with Xcode 8.3.x PackageApplication has now been removed in
favour of xcodebuild and -exportArchive, however issuing the new commands
causes a rebuild in a different folder which given the size of our project
is very slow.

Is there a correct way to produce the xcarchive using cmake (and
subsequently the .ipa) or do I need to persevere trying to get this to work
using custom targets?

Thanks :)

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