[CMake] Predownload

Florent Castelli florent.castelli at gmail.com
Mon Apr 17 18:03:36 EDT 2017

It is possible.

Nothing prevents you from calling execute_process to download as extract
your toolchain file when it is run. You probably want to check the
destination folder for a pre existing download though.

Then, you proceed on configuring Cmake to use it as usual.


On Apr 17, 2017 14:11, "Zabel, Oliver" <oliverzabel at gmx.de> wrote:


i’m developing Software for embedded Systems and my applications Need to
run on different target platforms. Until now we are build our Code with
make but i’d like to Switch to cmake. ATM we’re putting our Compiler
toolchains in our VCS to be able to produce the same binarys even after
years. Until now, there is only one toolchain include in a Project as
svn-external/git submodule. But i want to use toolchain-files with cmake.

Now here is my idea and i’d like to know whether this is possible with

I have my Project root and in this Folder i’d like to have different
toolchain files for different Compilers. I’d like to exclude the Compilers
as external.

Now i’d like to build the cmake Cache by calling cmake with the required
toolchain file. Is it now somehow possible, to download the required
toolchain before the Cache is buidl up? If this would be possible, i could
dynamicly choose which toolchain i want to have – would be great for
Compiler / unit Tests as well.

Perhaps someone has a better idea to do this or even i using such a System
and give me a hint?

Thanks a lot!

Best regards,



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