[CMake] Mac OS X framework building

Bill Somerville bill at classdesign.com
Tue May 24 16:55:04 EDT 2016

Hi All,

I am trying to make a framework using a shared library. The docs say 
that the target property PUBLIC_HEADER should be a list of interface 
header files that install(TARGET ...) will populate 
.../<target>.framework/Headers/ with but I cannot get that to happen. I 
have set the target property FRAMEWORK to TRUE and the target is a 
SHARED library. The framework gets created with the Versions and 
Resources directories etc. and the .plist file and the dylib is added 
with all the relevant symlinks. No headers are being added and the 
Headers directory is not being created.

Can anyone help with what I am missing or provide a link to a project 
that creates a Mac OS X framework successfully using install(TARGETS ...)?


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