[CMake] Make install permissions advice for ubuntu 14.04 with cmake 2.8

B00083603 Michael O Brien B00083603 at student.itb.ie
Sun Jun 5 13:01:16 EDT 2016

I'm trying to install OpenCV2 and the process requires the use of cmake which I'm not familiar with so I was hoping I could ask the cmake mailing list for some advice.

I have a virtual machine where I have sudo permissions and I download the OpenCV2 zip file from, create a directory for the build and run the following commands in my Bash terminal

cd build
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install

When I run sudo make install I get the error
/bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to /home/michael.obrien/setups/OpenCV/opencv-2.4.13/build
make[2]: *** [3rdparty/libtiff/CMakeFiles/libtiff.dir/depend] Error 2
make[1]: *** [3rdparty/libtiff/CMakeFiles/libtiff.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

If I run the command make install the build will complete but I get an error "CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:36 (FILE): file cannot create directory /usr/local/include/opencv2. Maybe need administrative privileges

So I'm confused as to how I can resolve this if sudo can't cd to the folder but I need su(do) to create the directories

Any pointers on how to solve this would be very welcome.


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