[CMake] Good practice: using INTERFACE-libraries in FindABC.cmake?

Patrick Boettcher patrick.boettcher at posteo.de
Mon Feb 29 09:34:53 EST 2016

Hi list,

I came across the INTERFACE-type of libraries when writing a
FindModule.cmake-file for custom libraries installed by my

Here is what I'm doing after having found the libraries and the
determined the paths: LIB1 is the library and LIB1_INCLUDE_DIRS its

  add_library(name INTERFACE)

  target_link_libraries(name INTERFACE ${LIB1})

  	target_include_directories(name INTERFACE
  	target_link_libraries(name INTERFACE ${FFTW3_LIBRARIES} )

  target_include_directories(name INTERFACE ${LIB1_INCLUDE_DIRS})

  # need c++11 compile options for if-name
  set_property(TARGET name PROPERTY

This makes that in the CMakeLists.txt which includes my package-file a
user needing libname for his executable does:

  add_executable(main main.cpp)
  target_link_libraries(main name)

This will 

1) set C++11 flags for compilation
2) set the right include-pathes
3) link with the right libraries as per my order

Awesome. But is this a good practice? Are there any pitfalls?

Thank you for your help in advance.

best regards,

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