[CMake] Build log generation in a "custom" way

Attila Krasznahorkay attila.krasznahorkay at gmail.com
Thu Sep 24 07:47:41 EDT 2015

Dear All,

I'd like to ask for some advice about the following issue. We're migrating a very big project (millions of lines of code...) from a custom build manager to CMake.

The software is put together from separate "packages" that are all developed by a different set of people. Our nightly build system collects all these packages, and compiles all of them. In our old build system we could easily save package-specific build log files for the nightly system. Making it easy for the developers to quickly find build problems in their specific package.

Now we'd like to do something similar with CMake. To teach it how to generate separate build log files for the separate packages. (Packages in this context are really just subdirectories in the end.) The clumsy thing that we're doing now is to use a script that we set for RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE, RULE_LAUNCH_LINK, and RULE_LAUNCH_CUSTOM. This script writes log files in a non-too-perfect way, which need to be stitched together at the end of the build to get "package specific" build log files.

So the question is whether we could do something better. Does anyone have an idea/suggestion? I'm happy to give more information about our setup if needed.


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