[CMake] actually using cmake alternative to convenience libraries

Magnus Therning magnus at therning.org
Wed Nov 18 08:16:33 EST 2015

On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 09:37:25AM -0600, Jack Stalnaker wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out the best way to handle something that was a
> convenience lib under autotools. I realize that there's a FAQ entry here:
> https://cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_FAQ#Does_CMake_support_.22convenience.22_libraries.3F
> But its terse 2 paragraphs don't say how to actually do what it suggests.
> My problem is this. I have this source tree:
> lib
> |--foo.c
> |--foo.h
> |--bar.c
> |--bar.h
> |--baz.c
> src
> |--goo.c
> In lib, I need to somehow collectively refer to foo and bar. Okay, so I can
> create a variable:
> set(foobarSRCS foo.c bar.c)
> set(foobarLIBS ${externalLibFound})
> which is what the FAQ entry seems to suggest. However, this variable is not
> visible to goo.c. Okay, so as an alternative, I can do this:
> set(foobarSRCS foo.c bar.c PARENT_SCOPE), etc.
> but now the variable is not visible to baz.c, which also must include the
> srcs to create a module library called _baz! I can of course do something
> like this:
> set(foobarSRCSLOC foo.c bar.c)
> set(foobarSRCS ${foobarSRCSLOC} PARENT_SCOPE)
> but this feels dirty and repetitive.
> I also realize that I can just create the variables in src, but that kind
> of defeats the entire purpose of walling of the common libs and their
> dependencies in the first place.
> Is this the right way to work, or am I missing something simple?

From your text above it sounds like foo.{c,h} and bar.{c,h} don't really
belong together with baz.c (it's not part of the convenience lib).  So,
why not separate them?

Another thought, you can always put a CMakeLists.txt in the parent dir
to lib&src with

    set(foobarSRCS lib/foo.c lib/bar.c)

(maybe with the use of CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR too).

A final questin, why was it a convenience lib in the autotools setup?
Unless there's really a need to compile the files multiple times the
whole issue can be side stepped by making it a static lib.


Magnus Therning                      OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4 
email: magnus at therning.org   jabber: magnus at therning.org
twitter: magthe               http://therning.org/magnus

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