[CMake] Supress generation of a Makefile

Hendrik Sattler post at hendrik-sattler.de
Thu Mar 19 02:20:43 EDT 2015

Am 18. März 2015 23:59:10 MEZ, schrieb aditya siram <aditya.siram at gmail.com>:
>Hi all,
>I have a cross platform project where Linux/Mac users will use the
>"autoheader;autoconf;./configure .." routine, but on Windows users will
>"cmake .; make".

that's the wrong command

>I am using CMake solely to substitute some variables in some

Strange idea, really.

>The problem is that there is an existing Makefile in the root of the
>project that must not be disturbed but keeps getting overwritten
>whenever I
>run "cmake .".

>How do I stop CMake from generating a Makefile?

1. Don't have any file named CMakeLists.txt in that directory, give it some other name ending usually with .cmake
2. Use cmake -P


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