[CMake] Wrong behavior with 3.2.0-rc2

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Mon Mar 9 15:02:39 EDT 2015

On 03/09/2015 02:50 PM, Roman Wüger wrote:
> if CMake 3.2.0 will not be released, when is the expected release date for CMake 3.2.1?

Technically 3.2.0 has been released (there is a signed tag in
the source tree for it, created after a drought in feedback
on 3.2.0-rc2).  We just never published binaries or announced
it because this report came in first and is pretty significant.

Now 3.2.1 will be done as soon as possible to replace 3.2.0.
We never announce specific dates because another regression
could be reported at any time and delay things further.


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