[CMake] Generated files?

Petr Kmoch petr.kmoch at gmail.com
Fri Jan 30 11:28:55 EST 2015

I believe the classic "driving target" approach could be used here. Add a
custom target which will drive the custom commands by depending on their

  RunMyProg ALL
  COMMENT "Processing files with MyProg"

Notice the ALL after the target name - this makes the target part of 'make
all' or equivalent.

Custom targets are always considered out of date (always rebuilt), but this
one has no COMMAND and so building it does nothing. It does make sure all
its dependencies (the .out files) are up to date, though, and if they are
not, it will run the rules to build them. These rules are the custom
commands you've created earlier.

This "custom target driving custom commands" is a very idiomatic pattern in

Of course, you don't want to list the files by hand. You could modify my
earlier function in one of two ways:

1. Have each invocation append to a list:

set(OutputFileList "")

function(ProcessFile inFile)
  get_filename_component(outFile ${inFile} NAME_WE)
  set(outFile ${inFile}.out)
    OUTPUT ${outFile}
    COMMAND myprog ${inFile} ${outFile}
    DEPENDS ${inFile} myprog.cpp
  set(OutputFileList ${OutputFileList}
${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${outFile} PARENT_SCOPE)  # This line is new

# process files

# now use the list in the custom target:
  RunMyProg ALL
  DEPENDS ${OutputFileList}
  COMMENT "Processing files with MyProg"

Or, 2., refactor the function to take a list of files and do everything

  set(OutputFileList "")
  foreach(inFile IN LISTS ARGN)
    get_filename_component(outFile ${inFile} NAME_WE)
    set(outFile ${inFile}.out)
      OUTPUT ${outFile}
      COMMAND myprog ${inFile} ${outFile}
      DEPENDS ${inFile} myprog.cpp
    list(APPEND OutputFileList ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${outFile})
  install(FILES ${OutputFileList} DESTINATION share/docs)
    RunMyProg ALL
    DEPENDS ${OutputFileList}
    COMMENT "Processing files with MyProg"

# now just call it once with the list of files:

You can naturally enlist file(GLOB) to grab the list of files, as J Decker
suggests. The downside, as with any list of source files, is that CMake
will not know that it needs to re-run when you simply add a new file which
matches the glob. If you list the files explicitly, you have to edit the
CMakeList to add the file, and CMake will know to re-run at next build.


On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 4:40 PM, Chris Johnson <cxjohnson at gmail.com> wrote:

> Petr, thanks.  That makes a lot of sense.
> Now I am struggling with causing all of these files to be generated when I
> do the default build target, e.g. just "make" in the build directory.  That
> is, I want myprog to be compiled, and then all of the files processed by it
> with just one build command. I assume that's possible, but have not quite
> yet been able to make it happen.
> On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 9:11 AM, Petr Kmoch <petr.kmoch at gmail.com> wrote:
>> As you say, **make** is fairly powerful at this. Other build tools may
>> not be, it might even be an alien concept to them. AFAIK, Ninja requires an
>> explicit list of files & dependencies, for example. Visual Studio solutions
>> can only contain explicitly listed files too.
>> CMake projects are supposed to work with all generators which CMake
>> supports (within reason). There are some generator-specific features in
>> CMake, but the intent is to keep the set of these to a minimum.
>> The list of CMake commands which directly create build-time "commands"
>> (such as Makefile rules) is rather short:
>> add_custom_command()
>> add_custom_target()
>> add_executable()
>> add_library()
>> Other commands modify the buildsystem (e.g. add_definitions(),
>> target_link_libraries(), or setting properties such as COMPILE_OPTIONS),
>> but they don't really add "commands" to it.
>> Petr
>> On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 3:27 PM, Chris Johnson <cxjohnson at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> That does clarify a few things yes.  Thank you.
>>> By "configure" time I had meant the first two items you listed as
>>> Configure and Generate.  By "run" time I had meant what you called Build.
>>> One place I am unclear on is exactly which commands in CMakeLists.txt
>>> get translated into Build time commands in buildsystem files (in my case,
>>> make).  For example, make is fairly powerful at generating substitution
>>> file names, e.g. creating prog.o from prog.cpp, or file1.out from
>>> file1.in.  Make is also capable of running full shell scripts within a
>>> makefile.  But there's no obvious way to drive any kind of automation from
>>> CMake that make is capable of.
>>> As a programmer, my first thought when having to process a large list of
>>> files is to do it through some sort of automation, rather than generate a
>>> brute force solution.  It appears that with CMake, the best one can hope
>>> for is to automate the creation of the brute-force solution.
>>> --
>>> Cheers,
>>> ..chris
>>> On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 4:32 AM, Petr Kmoch <petr.kmoch at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> It's not clear to me what you mean with "run" time. There are the
>>>> following "times" involved in a CMake-based project:
>>>> * Configure time:
>>>> CMake is parsing CMakeLists.txt files and files included from those and
>>>> executing ALL CMake commands found in them. Variables expansion takes
>>>> place. Data structures in CMake's memory are filled.
>>>> * Generate time:
>>>> CMake processes the data structures in its memory to write buildsystem
>>>> files (Makefiles, solutions etc.) to disk. Generator expressions are
>>>> expanded. Files are generated from data specified in file(GENERATE ...)
>>>> commands. cmake_install.cmake file is written based on the contents of data
>>>> structures filled by install() commands.
>>>> * Build time:
>>>> CMake is not running (except for driving the build if you do that with
>>>> `cmake --build`). The build tool (make, ninja, devenv, msbuild, ...) is
>>>> running, processing the buildsystem files and generating compiled binaries.
>>>> At this time, commands which were set up by add_custom_command() and
>>>> add_custom_target() are executed as driven by the build tool.
>>>> * Install time (optional):
>>>> Running `make install` or similarly triggering the install process
>>>> causes CMake to run in installation mode. This CMake reads the
>>>> cmake_install.cmake file and executes the commands there. These are mainly
>>>> file() commands which copy files to the desired location.
>>>> CMake commands in CMakeLists.txt and included files are all executed
>>>> during configure time, as the files are parsed and processed by CMake. Some
>>>> of these commands have immediate effects on the outside environment (e.g.
>>>> file(WRITE), execute_process(), try_compile()), some affect the CMake
>>>> processing control flow (e.g. include(), foreach()), some fill in or modify
>>>> CMake's data structures (e.g. set(), add_executable(), install(),
>>>> add_custom_command()).
>>>> So there are no CMake commands executed after configure time. The value
>>>> specified in a COMMAND argument of add_custom_command() executes at build
>>>> time (driven by the build system), but the add_custom_command() itself
>>>> executes at CMake time.
>>>> I hope I've clarified it a little bit.
>>>> Petr
>>>> On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 9:36 PM, Chris Johnson <cxjohnson at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks; I appreciate the suggestions.
>>>>> One thing that jumped out is the thought that foreach() is executed at
>>>>> "configuration" time, not "run" time.  To me, that was counter-intuitive,
>>>>> but makes more sense once more thoroughly considered.
>>>>> But I have to admit, I've never seen anything in the documentation
>>>>> which lists all of the commands which execute at configuration time, and
>>>>> which are executed at run time.  Is there such documentation?  A link to it
>>>>> would be great.
>>>>> On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 9:51 AM, Thompson, KT <kgt at lanl.gov> wrote:
>>>>>>  Hi Chris,
>>>>>> Why not use a foreach loop? Something like this…
>>>>>> add_executable(myprog myprog.cpp)
>>>>>> set( files file001 fiile002 …)
>>>>>> foreach( file in files)
>>>>>>     add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${file}.out
>>>>>>         COMMAND /bin/cp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${file}.in .
>>>>>>         COMMAND myprog ${file}.in ${file}.out
>>>>>>         DEPENDS ${file}.in myprog.cpp
>>>>>>     )
>>>>>> endforeach()
>>>>>> For portability, you might want to use ‘${CMAKE_COMMAND} –E
>>>>>> copy_if_different’ in place of ‘/bin/cp’ and CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR in
>>>>>> place of ‘.’
>>>>>> -kt
>>>>>> *From:* CMake [mailto:cmake-bounces at cmake.org] *On Behalf Of *Chris
>>>>>> Johnson
>>>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, January 29, 2015 8:09 AM
>>>>>> *To:* cmake at cmake.org
>>>>>> *Subject:* [CMake] Generated files?
>>>>>> ​I am looking for suggestions on how to solve the following
>>>>>> problem.  I need a solution which is easy to understand and safe from
>>>>>> future maintenance errors.
>>>>>> There is a project directory with one C++ program and a large number
>>>>>> of "input" data files.
>>>>>> The C++ program needs to be compiled, and then run against each of
>>>>>> the input files to generate an output file of the same base name but with a
>>>>>> different output suffix.  E.g. from the command line it might be:
>>>>>>     % myprog  file001.in  file001.out
>>>>>> Finally, the output files need to be installed in the proper location.
>>>>>> For one input file, it might look like this:
>>>>>>     add_executable(myprog myprog.cpp)
>>>>>>     add_custom_command(OUTPUT file001.out
>>>>>>         COMMAND /bin/cp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/file001.in .
>>>>>>         COMMAND myprog file001.in file001.out
>>>>>>         DEPENDS files001.in myprog.cpp
>>>>>>     )
>>>>>>     install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/file001.out DESTINATION
>>>>>> share/docs)
>>>>>> Listing all of the input files in my CMakeLists.txt file is not a
>>>>>> problem, but it would be nice to avoid having to list the corresponding
>>>>>> output files.
>>>>>> How can I build a CMakeLists.txt file which will succinctly handle
>>>>>> this situation?
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> ..chris​
>>>>> --
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