[CMake] No Member Found when use cmake construct protocol-buffers

Yu Jing yu at argcv.com
Sun Apr 19 06:53:37 EDT 2015

I wish to use proto and managed by cmake. While some error found and it seems 

A sample project can be shown here(https://github.com/yuikns/cmake-proto)

The files are as follow
. ├── app1 │   ├── app1.cpp │   └── app1.proto ├── CMakeLists.txt ├── common │   ├── bar │   │   ├── bar.proto │   │   └── CMakeLists.txt │   └── foo │       ├── CMakeLists.txt │       └── foo.proto └── README.md
In common/bar/bar.proto, it defined as follow :

import "common/foo/foo.proto";

message bar_msg 
  optional foo_msg foo = 1;
  optional string name = 2;

and I can use command :
$ protoc --cpp_out=build common/bar/bar.proto $ protoc --cpp_out=build common/foo/foo.proto
in root directory. 

while , I adjust several times and still can not make it work in cmake.

Here is the question in stackoverflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29720410/no-member-found-when-use-cmake-construct-proto/29727925 , and someone said there may something wrong of PROTOBUF_GENERATE_CPP.

May I know how can I adjust the project? Any help are appreciated .
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