[CMake] Cmake(3.0.2) Eclipse project indexing issues under linux

Tushar Soni sonitushar at gmail.com
Mon Oct 6 08:30:06 EDT 2014


After generating Eclipse projects and importing them, Eclipse is not
indexing all source files. I have detailed the issue (so sorry for the long
email) and the experiments I have performed to resolve the issue. I would
be really glad if someone could point out, what is going wrong or is there
some bug?

Not to go in too much details, here is how my directory (project) structure
looks like in order to explain the issue in more details:


*$someDir/common/project_a/CMakeLists.tx*t -> Project A is a common lib,
uses by many tests

*$someDir/tests/test_a/CMakeLists.txt* -> Includes the Project A using
add_subdirectory and creates a share object

Cmake build directories:

Cmake generated everything without errors and building the project using
make or Eclipse was not an issue. The issue is only when I import the
project in Eclipse (version 4.3.2) by *Import -> General -> Existing
Project -> $someDir/cmakeOut/tests/test_a/*, the indexer does not seem to
be working properly. It only indexes one source (test_a.cpp) whereas it
should index two (test_a.cpp + sourc_a.cpp).

this is just an example setup, in my actual project, only 1 source file
gets indexed out of the 142 it should do. therefore it makes using Eclipse
very hard!

Now this is what I noticed with my experiments.

*Experiment 1*: Change cmake version and compare

I used the exact same files and folder structure but changed the cmake
version to The generated Eclipse project was able to index both
the source files! This was mind boggling. I have to use the cmake 3.0.2
version, so I tried to narrow down the issue.

When I did the diff of the .cproject created by the two cmake version I saw

cmake 3.0.2 has this in the .cproject

*<pathentry kind="src" path="[Source directory]"/>*
<pathentry excluding="*[Source directory]/|***/CMakeFiles/" kind="out"

cmake has this in the .cproject

<pathentry excluding="**/CMakeFiles/" kind="out" path=""/>

The rest of the file is similar (except cmake path, which is obvious).

*Success Result*: If I delete the line *<pathentry kind="src" path="[Source
directory]"/> *from the .cproject and then import the project, indexing
seems to be working!!! however I cant use this solution as my project is
not checked in and every body using it needs to make this step manually.

*Experiment 2*: Change the import method

After a lot of googling I found out that someone was suggesting to import
the project using this method (BTW, for totally different problem): *Import
-> C/C++ -> Existing Code as Makefile Project ->
$someDir/cmakeOut/tests/test_a/ *. When I did this, it again works! Mind
boggling yet again!

Just by chance I found out that this method works because, by importing
this way Eclipse somehow modifies the .cproject and removed the lines like
I did in first experiment.

*Conclusion*: So based on my experiments this line in the .cproject is
causing an issue with indexing:
*<pathentry kind="src" path="[Source directory]"/>*

I know most likely my conclusion is not correct but I do not have any other
explanation. Also I do not know why this line is actually the issue!
Therfore I am writing to you all to understand the issue a bit better.
Maybe the issue is elsewhere.

Thanks in advance!

Best Regards,

Tushar Soni
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