[CMake] RPM packaging dependencies expressed in subdirectories

Nils Gladitz nilsgladitz at gmail.com
Wed Jul 16 09:39:17 EDT 2014

On 16.07.2014 15:08, Thibault Hild wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm quite new to CMake and after experimenting a bit, I am currently 
> considering a way to express RPM dependencies in subdirectories 
> instead of specifying them at the top level.
> After googling a bit, I did not find something that fulfills my 
> expectations but I have probably missed a post or something in the 
> CPack documentation. If you already know of a discussion thread or 
> explanation on this particular subject, can you please redirect me to it ?

For DEB I used custom function()s to maintain a custom GLOBAL property 
(set_property(), get_property()).

The custom function I used to append dependencies to the property would 
check if the dependency already exists.
If it existed with the same version requirement it would be ignored; if 
the version differed I threw an error.

Somewhere at the end of my root CMakeLists.txt (but before 
include(CPack)) I added a call to my second custom function which would 
set the appropriate CPACK_ variable (with PARENT_SCOPE) based on the 
content of the GLOBAL property.


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