[CMake] Why does CMake set CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT using the Xcode generator?

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Wed Feb 19 13:52:37 EST 2014

On 02/18/2014 03:02 AM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
> But I'm being stymied by CMake, which is insisting on setting
> CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT to my current platform's SDK despite the fact that I'm
> using the Xcode generator.

It's designed for builds where everything is for a single OS X platform.
One would need to teach the generators to support target properties
like OSX_SYSROOT and OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET to set the flags on a per-target
basis as a first-class feature.  We already have per-target OSX_ARCHITECTURES.


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