[CMake] Help debug crazy Windows MSVC issue

Hendrk Sattler post at hendrik-sattler.de
Mon Feb 17 04:29:06 EST 2014

Am 2014-02-17 10:20, schrieb Hendrk Sattler:
> Visual Studio 10 totally relies on the custom build tool to protect
> itself when run in parallel.
> It will run the generator as many times as the bar.cpp is mentioned in
> different targets, even in parallel if that is enabled.
> And that's what you see.

Actually, it is "as many times as foo.cpp is mentioned in different 
targets" but cmake automatically adds that for you when you specify 
bar.cpp and there seems to be no way to disable this (if there were a 
way, using a custom target would work).
The generation logic is kind of inversed in Visual Studio compared to 


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