[CMake] CTest CDash submission

Robert Ramey ramey at rrsd.com
Mon Apr 21 17:38:54 EDT 2014

I want to submit test results to a common area and I’m trying to get CTest / CDash to do it.  So far after a couple of hours I’ve been unsuccessful. Here is information which shows more or less where I’m at.

a) I created a dashboard at http://my.cdash.org/index.php?project=Safe+Numerics
b) I have a CMakeLists text file which seems to work as it should.  I builds a bunch of projects for my Mac Xcode IDE including build, test and run.
This CMakeLists.txt file includes “include(CTest) 
c) I configure and generate the project and things seem to work great - until I build the project “Experimental” - 
1) There is a new file in my directory named: LastSubmit_20140421-2126.log.tmp which contains:

Upload files:
0	Build.xml
1	Configure.xml
2	Test.xml
Using drop method: http
	Upload file: /Users/robertramey/WorkingProjects/safe_numerics/CMake/build-static/Testing/20140421-2126/Build.xml to Roberts-Mac-mini.local___Darwin-clang++___20140421-2126-Experimental___XML___Build.xml

The contents of this file suggests that CTest is trying to load the results to my own machine rather than the CDash server.

d) I also have a file at the same level as the CMakeLists.txt file named CTestConfig.cmake which contains:

## This file should be placed in the root directory of your project.
## Then modify the CMakeLists.txt file in the root directory of your
## project to incorporate the testing dashboard.
## # The following are required to uses Dart and the Cdash dashboard
##   INCLUDE(CTest)
set(CTEST_PROJECT_NAME "Safe Numerics")

set(CTEST_DROP_SITE "my.cdash.org")
# set(CTEST_DROP_LOCATION "/cdash/submit.php?project=MyProject")
set(CTEST_DROP_LOCATION "/index.php?project=Safe+Numerics")

Which is what I believe I should have.

Note that I also have a CMake generated file named DartConfiguration.tcl which contains (among other things)

# Submission information
DropSite: my.cdash.org
DropLocation: /index.php?project=Safe+Numerics
DropMethod: http
ScpCommand: /usr/bin/scp

# Dashboard start time
NightlyStartTime: 01:00:00 UTC

I don’t what role this plays, but it seems it has been setup consistently from the CTestConfig.cmake.

Any help you can give me would be appreciated.

Robert Ramey
Robert Ramey Software Development
ramey at rrsd.com

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