[CMake] list problem....

Luis Felipe Dominguez Vega lfdominguez at estudiantes.uci.cu
Wed Apr 2 11:36:37 EDT 2014

Hello averyone, i am crash with my brain with this.... 
this is a little piece of my code... 

set(PROG_SRC main.cpp version.cpp) 
message(STATUS "TO CHECK: " ${PROG_SRC}) 

when i expect that the message output: "main.cpp;version.cpp", that was "main.cppversion.cpp" whitout the ';'... 

but this is not all... 

I'm declared a function to check the style... 

function(add_style_check_target TARGET_NAME SOURCES_LIST) 

But in that moment the only thing that show is the first element ("main.cpp")... sooo where are the others elements of the list??? 

I Conferencia Científica Internacional UCIENCIA 2014 en la UCI del 24 al 26 de abril de 2014, La Habana, Cuba. Ver http://uciencia.uci.cu
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