[CMake] Terrible compile problems with Cmake and VS2012 Express

Kenneth Miller kennethadammiller at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 16 11:13:05 EDT 2013

I have a question on stack overflow:


Basically, I'm trying to build tulip with visual studio 2012. 
Tulip is located here: tulip.labri.fr

The problem is, the instructions the tulip creators left for compiling tulip on windows are VERY out of date. If you look at the stack overflow link, the visual studio error output includes a lot of problems with it not being able to locate the freetype library. (There are linker errors, stating unresolved reference to xyz). And yet, in cmake I specified the location of the freetype dot lib file! Why is visual studio unable to find it?

Some of the errors you won't see in that particular stack overflow question are lacking header files that cannot be found on the include path. I wish there was a way to tell cmake the location of all includes so that visual studio could locate all of it's headers appropriately.

Lastly, I get a lot of access denied  errors. Those you can see-I don't know what the problem is with those. Those are libraries that are included, specified, and built along with the actual tulip source zip file. They come with tulip, and are projects within the  ALL_BUILD target created by cmake. I don't understand why I would get ACCESS_DENIED to files I created and own. 

If someone could just try and download tulip, it's easy to try and build this and reproduce the errors. It could take someone as little as 15 minutes to get where I'm at, I really wish someone would be willing to replicate my problems and help me build this application.
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