[CMake] Fortran program linked with C++ library

Marcin Wojdyr wojdyr at gmail.com
Tue Sep 3 13:57:23 EDT 2013

On 3 September 2013 15:46, Brad King <brad.king at kitware.com> wrote:

>> I though that the recommended way to deal with it is:
> This tells CMake that your "main" is provided by C++, but IIUC
> it is still Fortran.  You should still be able to link with the
> Fortran front-end but need to get the C++ runtime library too.
> One way to do this is to tell CMake that the library uses C++
> using the IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LANGUAGES property on an
> imported target:
>  http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v2.8.11/cmake.html#prop_tgt:IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LANGUAGES
> For example:
>  add_library(externalCxxLib STATIC IMPORTED)
>  set_target_properties(externalCxxLib PROPERTIES
>    IMPORTED_LOCATION "/path/to/libexternalCxxLib.a"
>    )
>  target_link_libraries(myFortranExe externalCxxLib)
> This should work if:
> - The project enables both Fortan and CXX languages
> - The C++ compiler used is the same as that used to
>   build the static library
> Then CMake has enough information to add the C++ runtime
> library to the link line when linking to the static library.

That's what I was looking for, but for me instead of adding C++
runtime, C++ compiler (icpc) is used for linking.
So I have the same problem:
undefined reference to `main'

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