adrien courdavault adrien.courdavault at gmail.com
Sun Nov 24 18:46:38 EST 2013

Hello everyone.

I'm having trouble to follow the steps to run clang-modernize. The tip they
give for cmake users is to runcmake with this define. (see the website here
: http://clang.llvm.org/extra/clang-modernize.html)

They say this should generate a "compilataion database" i.e. info
explaining How the files will be build so clang-modernize can use the same

-> BTW the same tip is given for clang-check.

But I don't see anything chanage in the output of cmake when I run with
this command and when I run the clang tool it says there is no database.

I've looked for informations about this flags in the documentation but
could not find it.
The only hint I have is that maybe it does not exist for MSVC generators.

Could you help me please.

Patform info:
I use cmake (last version i know)
With Visual 2013.
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