[CMake] CMake Released

Robert Maynard robert.maynard at kitware.com
Fri Nov 8 14:47:48 EST 2013

Some serious problems were reported with the 2.8.12 release. Thanks to the
swift work of Brad King, Stephen Kelly, Modestas Vainius and
Vladislav Vinogradov, those problems have been fixed. We've prepared a bug fix release to address those issues.

Some of the notable changes in this patch release are:

- The implementation of new CMake Policy CMP0022 was corrected to preserve
  default transitive linking by the target_link_libraries plain signature when
  the policy is set to NEW. As a result, CMake may produce
  CMP0022 warnings that did not.
- The Makefile and Ninja generators, when using MSVC from Visual Studio 2013,
  now pass to "cl" the "/FS" option to support parallel builds.
- FindCUDA learned of CUDA 5.5's divided NPP libraries

The complete list of changes in 2.12.1 can be found at:

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