[CMake] Problems with ctest output using clang compiler on Mac

Ananda Tallur anand at maunakeatech.com
Tue May 7 09:22:44 EDT 2013


Just to inform CMake users on Mac OS X that problem is solved by using 

As a reminder, problem is that some warnings generated by different 
clang processes during parallel compilation get mixed together, become 
unreadable, and are therefore processed as errors by ctest.

With 'CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS' option, stdout and stderr outputs of parallel 
clang processes are handled differently and do not get mixed together 

More details about this option are available in this page at item 2.  : 

To activate CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS in you ctest script, following lines are 
needed :





  ... )

|A last point : a side effect of this option I have observed is that 
warnings and errors are counted differently. Number of compilation units 
yielding errors and warnings are counted, and not individual errors and 
warning messages.
If someone knowns a method to use CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS option with 
individual counting of error and warning messages, I am interested.

Hope this helps,

Kind regards


On 10/01/2013 15:24, Ananda Tallur wrote:
> Hi,
> We have the same problem here with ctest and clang on Mac OS X.
> Versions used are :
> - clang 4.2, from XCode 4.6DP4 on Mac OS X 10.7
> - cmake
> In our ctest script, compilation is launched with 4 jobs (make -j4).
> In our dashboard (and same thing when directly looking at the text output of the ctest process), we notice that some compilations outputs get mixed.
> In this case we can see the beginning of one compilation process output starting in the middle of a previous compilation output.
> This leads to some mixed outputs of two different compilation processes, that cannot be properly interpreted by ctest as warning, and are therefore displayed as errors.
> At the end of this mail, an example of the kind of mixes we have.
> Is anybody facing the same problem and is there a workaround available ?
> Kind regards
> Ananda
> -----
> 12:
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> :::iterator warning: _frunom_2dus<bedoos parat:me:gteilr ::'eme' mo[r-Wuy_basnued_se2d_lod-capator<brametooerst]
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>                                              ^
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> ----
> Andreas Fetzer<stromsau at gmx.de>  wrote
> > Hi there,
> >
> > On our dashboard some warnings are treated as errors and hence the build fails (only for Mac OS X systems):
> >
> > http://cdash.mitk.org/viewBuildError.php?buildid=132336  <http://cdash.mitk.org/viewBuildError.php?buildid=132336>
> >
> > Apparently not the hole output line of the clang compiler was considered. This happens especially when we are using the apple clang compiler.
> >
> > Is this a issue of ctest?
> >
> >
> > Regards
> > Andreas
> > --
> > Empfehlen Sie GMX DSL Ihren Freunden und Bekannten und wir
> > belohnen Sie mit bis zu 50,- Euro!https://freundschaftswerbung.gmx.de

Ananda Tallur | Software Development Engineer
Mauna Kea Technologies | 9 rue d'Enghien -- 75010 Paris, France
Tel : + 33 1 48 24 05 68 | Cell : + 33 6 77 77 71 67 | Fax : + 33 1 48 
24 12 18 | www.maunakeatech.com <http://www.maunakeatech.com/>


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