[CMake] coverage using gcov failed

Lloyd lloydkl.tech at gmail.com
Wed May 1 07:18:16 EDT 2013

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 7:35 PM, Bill Hoffman <bill.hoffman at kitware.com>wrote:

> On 4/25/2013 9:52 AM, Bill Hoffman wrote:
>> I see it now.
>> Can you run:
>> ctest -D Experimental -VV
> OK, never mind I know what is wrong...
> make ExperimentalCoverage just does the coverage part.
> make Experimental
> make ExpermentalCoverage should work.
> Or
> cd buildtree
> ctest -T all
> Available options are:
>   ctest -T all
>   ctest -T start
>   ctest -T update
>   ctest -T configure
>   ctest -T build
>   ctest -T test
>   ctest -T coverage
>   ctest -T memcheck
>   ctest -T notes
>   ctest -T submit

I have been debugging this issue. To make sure that I have a clean
environment I am testing the code on Ubuntu 12.4 32bit.  My system was
installed only with "gcov", lcov was not installed. Now I have installed
"lcov" and also I have modified my main cmake file with the below given
code frahment. Instead of modifying CXX_FLAGS, added the profiling related
compiler arguments using the "ADD_DEFINITIONS". In the first case
(modifying CXX_FLAGS) your suggestion "make Experimental" did not work. Now
(ADD_DEFINITIONS) "make Experimental" works without any problem. Can you
comment on why it was not working earlier?

#Code coverage related code

SET (DO_CODE_COVERAGE false CACHE BOOL "Enable Code coverage?")

    ADD_DEFINITIONS(-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage)


> -Bill
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