[CMake] Setting .NET Target Framework

Matthew Bentham mjb67 at artvps.com
Thu Mar 7 12:22:37 EST 2013

Hi All,

I find myself needing to set the target .NET framework in my MSVC10 (Visual Studio 2010) solution.  I have three questions:

1) Is there are way to do this already?  For any of the VS generators?

2) If there isn't a way to do this already, does anyone have an opinion about what the interface should be?  I was thinking something along the lines of a target property called "VS_DOTNET_TARGETFRAMEWORKVERSION" (like VS_DOTNET_REFERENCES).

3) Is the "VS_GLOBAL_<variable>" property implemented?  The documentation for it has been around a long time, but I can't find any code implementing it in the CMake source.

Hope you can help,

Matthew Bentham

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