[CMake] SWIG generated .cxx file location issue.

Hugh Sorby h.sorby at auckland.ac.nz
Tue Sep 25 19:10:43 EDT 2012

I am wrapping a library with SWIG and using CMake to generate the build 
scripts for me, this is all working really well.  My issue is the 
location of the generated .cxx files.
I have my code laid out as follows:

swig/interface/*.i <-- swig interface files
python/CMakeLists.txt  <-- Python CMakeLists.txt file
build-python2.7 <-- binary build directory

In the python/CMakeLists.txt I have a source file defined relative to 
the current cmake directory, like so:

set(SRC_FILE ../swig/interface/context.i)

When I execute the build command in build-python2.7 the generated .cxx 
files are created in the swig/interface directory.  This is in the 
source tree and I do not want them there.  So my question is how do I 
stop those intermediate .cxx files from being created in my source 
tree?  or How do other users stop those intermediate .cxx files from 
being created in their source tree?


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