[CMake] modular builds / add_subdirectory for external directory / ExternalProject_Add / RHEL6

Derrick Karimi derrick.karimi at gmail.com
Wed Oct 31 09:07:08 EDT 2012


I am trying to create a modular development environment.  My goal is to
have different source modules in separate source control projects.
Sometimes there will be dependencies between these modules.  I also will be
scooping in 3rd party projects and placing some kind of wrapper build
around it to make it conform to whatever standards I come up with to pull
off this build environment.  The main goal is to get and build a module
(and there by all its dependencies) with minimal requirements for a build
environment, and a minimal number of commands (On a fresh OS Install, git
project; mkdir bld; cd bld; cmake ../project; make )

I researched build tools, decided on cmake over scons and autotools
basically because it seemed popular, was on my base OS images, and it was
easy to use.

As I was researching how to pull off my goals, I came across the
ExternalProject_Add.  Unfortunately I am stuck with RHEL 6 right now, and
cmake 2.6 is all it supports, and this function appears to be added in 2.8

I investigated upgrading, which I didn't really want to do.  I wanted to do
development on almost any machine, and the one place I found an
experimental repo with cmake 2.8 built for RHEL 6 seemed risky.  Also I
build on machines without internet access, and didn't want to end up in RPM
hell trying to get it on, and end up with an expensive to replicate build

So I tried to work around the issue in 2.6 using a combination of
find_package and add_subdirectory.  One requirements I made up is that if
multiple paths in dependency tree share some parent, that parent is only
retrieved from source control and built once.  Yes I am ignoring custom
flags differing in dependent modules, but I don't anticipate that

I tried add_subdirectory of an external directory, and I set the binary
directory too.  cmake completes without complaint, but then when I run
make, I get a "No rule to make target 'dependency.so', needed by
'currentproject'. Stop.  Google revealed that other people had this problem
too.  But any advice given to them I have tried and still no luck.

I have one more idea involving an unholy combination of prebuild custom
command launching git, cmake, make.  Make install would generate a
module-config.cmake and then I would call find_package on that.  It seems a
bit crazy to do that when this is all fixed in 2.8

I am looking for some advice on how to accomplish my goals.  Here is an
example of 3 modules that would be in my source control, and how I would
expect the directory layout to be.


  CMakeLists.txt (depends on boost)

 CMakeLists.txt (depends on boost and core)

Now I would get app from source control and build and expect this layout

  +app (same as above)
    +core (same as above)
      Makefile (and other cmake generated stuff)
    +boost (same as above)
      Makefile (and other cmake generated stuff)
    Makefile (and other cmake generated stuff)

But currently when I add_subdirectory of core from the app's CMakeLists.txt
I start running into trouble.  I briefly tried moving the dependency source
modules (core, boost) underneath the current module (app).  This didn't
work for me, but in theory I think it should as now add_subdirectory would
actually be adding a subdirectory, so I may just need to put some more
effort on it.  This went against my desire to keep the module directories
clean, the same as they are in source control, but I could live with this
if it works, I would just make an external subfolder in each module and
tell my source control to ignore it.

Does anyone have any advice for me?

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