[CMake] cmake self test fails on "Darwin - 9.8.0 - i386" with gcc47 and spaces in path

Claus Klein claus.klein at arcormail.de
Sun May 27 06:10:01 EDT 2012

Hi all,

while testing the ninja generator I created a reference binary tree  
with gmake an gcc47 installed with macports.

I created a new empty dir with

mkdir "/Users/clausklein/Downloads/My Cmake Test"
and created the makefiles with a build scripts.

It seems that the spaces in CWD makes trouble while make test?



set -x
set -e

/usr/local/bin/cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" - 
     -DBUILD_CursesDialog:BOOL="OFF" -DBUILD_QtDialog:BOOL="OFF" \
     -DMAKECOMMAND:STRING="${MAKECOMMAND} --ignore-errors --no-builtin- 
rules" \

time ${MAKECOMMAND} --silent --no-builtin-rules -B

# real	3m34.380s
# user	2m57.410s
# sys	0m29.289s

time ${MAKECOMMAND} --silent --no-builtin-rules

# real	0m1.911s
# user	0m1.060s
# sys	0m0.746s

# exit

${MAKECOMMAND} --no-builtin-rules test
# ...
# 56% tests passed, 104 tests failed out of 236
# Label Time Summary:
# Label1    =   0.07 sec
# Label2    =   0.07 sec
# Total Test time (real) = 584.77 sec
# The following tests FAILED:
# 	 24 - CommandLineTest (Failed)
# 	 25 - FindPackageTest (Failed)
# 	 26 - FindModulesExecuteAll (Failed)
# 	 27 - StringFileTest (Failed)
# 	 28 - TryCompile (Failed)
# 	 29 - TarTest (Failed)
# 	 30 - SystemInformation (Failed)
# 	 31 - MathTest (Failed)
# 	 32 - Simple (Failed)
# 	 33 - PreOrder (Failed)
# 	 35 - FortranOnly (Failed)
# 	 36 - VSGNUFortran (Failed)
# 	 37 - COnly (Failed)
# 	 38 - CxxOnly (Failed)
# 	 39 - IPO (Failed)
# 	 40 - OutDir (Failed)
# 	 41 - ObjectLibrary (Failed)
# 	 42 - NewlineArgs (Failed)
# 	 43 - SetLang (Failed)
# 	 44 - ExternalOBJ (Failed)
# 	 45 - LoadCommand (Failed)
# 	 46 - LinkDirectory (Failed)
# 	 47 - LinkLanguage (Failed)
# 	 48 - LinkLine (Failed)
# 	 49 - MacroTest (Failed)
# 	 50 - FunctionTest (Failed)
# 	 51 - ReturnTest (Failed)
# 	 52 - Properties (Failed)
# 	 53 - Assembler (Failed)
# 	 54 - SourceGroups (Failed)
# 	 55 - Preprocess (Failed)
# 	 56 - ExportImport (Failed)
# 	 57 - Unset (Failed)
# 	 58 - PolicyScope (Failed)
# 	 61 - Architecture (Failed)
# 	 62 - BundleUtilities (Failed)
# 	 63 - Qt4Deploy (Failed)
# 	 66 - Module.CheckTypeSize (Failed)
# 	 67 - Module.GenerateExportHeader (Failed)
# 	 68 - LinkFlags-prepare (Failed)
# 	 75 - SubProject (Failed)
# 	 76 - SubProject-Stage2 (Failed)
# 	 77 - Framework (Failed)
# 	 78 - TargetName (Failed)
# 	 79 - LibName (Failed)
# 	 80 - CustComDepend (Failed)
# 	 81 - ArgumentExpansion (Failed)
# 	 82 - CustomCommand (Failed)
# 	 83 - CustomCommandWorkingDirectory (Failed)
# 	 84 - OutOfSource (Failed)
# 	 85 - BuildDepends (Failed)
# 	 86 - SimpleInstall (Failed)
# 	 87 - SimpleInstall-Stage2 (Failed)
# 	 88 - CPackComponents (Failed)
# 	 89 - CPackComponentsForAll-ZIP-default (Failed)
# 	 90 - CPackComponentsForAll-ZIP-OnePackPerGroup (Failed)
# 	 91 - CPackComponentsForAll-ZIP-IgnoreGroup (Failed)
# 	 92 - CPackComponentsForAll-ZIP-AllInOne (Failed)
# 	 93 - CPackComponentsForAll-DragNDrop-default (Failed)
# 	 94 - CPackComponentsForAll-DragNDrop-OnePackPerGroup (Failed)
# 	 95 - CPackComponentsForAll-DragNDrop-IgnoreGroup (Failed)
# 	 96 - CPackComponentsForAll-DragNDrop-AllInOne (Failed)
# 	 97 - CPackTestAllGenerators (Failed)
# 	 98 - X11 (Failed)
# 	102 - LoadedCommandOneConfig (Failed)
# 	103 - complex (Failed)
# 	104 - complexOneConfig (Failed)
# 	105 - Example (Failed)
# 	106 - Environment (Failed)
# 	107 - QtAutomoc (Failed)
# 	108 - ExternalProject (Failed)
# 	109 - TutorialStep1 (Failed)
# 	110 - TutorialStep2 (Failed)
# 	111 - TutorialStep3 (Failed)
# 	112 - TutorialStep4 (Failed)
# 	113 - TutorialStep5 (Failed)
# 	114 - TutorialStep6 (Failed)
# 	115 - TutorialStep7 (Failed)
# 	116 - testing (Failed)
# 	117 - wrapping (Failed)
# 	118 - qtwrapping (Failed)
# 	119 - testdriver1 (Failed)
# 	120 - testdriver2 (Failed)
# 	121 - testdriver3 (Failed)
# 	122 - Dependency (Failed)
# 	123 - JumpWithLibOut (Failed)
# 	124 - JumpNoLibOut (Failed)
# 	125 - Plugin (Failed)
# 	126 - linkorder1 (Failed)
# 	127 - linkorder2 (Failed)
# 	128 - SubDirSpaces (Failed)
# 	129 - SubDir (Failed)
# 	130 - CheckCompilerRelatedVariables (Failed)
# 	131 - BundleTest (Failed)
# 	132 - CFBundleTest (Failed)
# 	133 - ObjC++ (Failed)
# 	134 - BundleGeneratorTest (Failed)
# 	140 - TestsWorkingDirectory (Failed)
# 	163 - CMakeCommands.target_link_libraries (Failed)
# 	187 - Fortran (Failed)
# 	188 - FortranC.Flags (Failed)
# 	189 - Java (Failed)
# 	191 - IncludeDirectories (Failed)
# 	236 - CMake.CheckSourceTree (Failed)
# Errors while running CTest
# gmake: *** [test] Error 8
# real	9m44.821s
# user	4m45.948s
# sys	2m46.923s
# claus-kleins-macbook-pro:My Cmake Test clausklein$

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