[CMake] Reason of Fortran include directories /config?

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Wed May 16 16:24:41 EDT 2012

On 05/10/2012 03:25 AM, Petr Kmoch wrote:
> we're using cmake to generate Intel Fortran .vfproj files and some of
> my developers were asking why include directories in the project
> always include X and X/<config_name> for every directory X specified
> via include_directories(). Looking at cmake source code, the lines
> responsible seem to be 829-837 of cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator.cxx

The lines were added as part of the original Fortran support:


> I would be really interested in the reason for this behaviour. Could
> anyone shed some light onto this for me?

As Michael pointed out this probably has to do with Fortran 90 .mod
files.  The Intel compiler loads them from the include files search
path.  Contents of .mod files may be configuration-specific so perhaps
the compiler puts them in the per-config output directories.

I was not personally involved in adding those particular lines though.


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