[CMake] Passing back list of files from Function

Alexander Neundorf a.neundorf-work at gmx.net
Fri May 11 15:40:59 EDT 2012

On Friday 11 May 2012, Michael Jackson wrote:
> I have a function where I am generating a number of files and I need to
> pass that list of files back to the original calling cmake
> command/file/scope. How would I go about that?
> function(create_files)
>   set(options)
>   set(multiValueArgs GENERATED_HEADERS)
>   cmake_parse_arguments( WIG "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}"
> "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} )
>   foreach (....)
>      .. Generate some files
>   endforeach()
> ??
> endfunction()
> set(headers "")
> create_files (GENERATED_HEADERS headers)
> Could someone help me fill in the blanks? Thanks

Give the name of a variable to create_files() which will be used to return the 

  set(multiValueArgs GENERATED_HEADERS)
  cmake_parse_arguments( WIG "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}"
"${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} )
  foreach (....)
     .. Generate some files


  # the following line sets generatedFiles to file[123].x
  set(${outVar} file1.x file2.x file3.x PARENT_SCOPE)


set(headers foo.h bar.h blub.h)
set(generatedFiles )
create_files (GENERATED_HEADERS INFILES ${headers} OUTVAR generatedFiles)

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