[CMake] CPack doesn't recognize custom templates

NoRulez norulez at me.com
Wed May 9 14:45:16 EDT 2012

>> By the way could you try 2.8.8 instead of 2.8.7 ?
Yes, I will try it tomorrow (I read the changelog http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.8/CMakeChangeLog-2.8.8 but I can't find any details where this behavior may be fixed)
Because on our Buildserver CMake 2.8.7 is installed and if no relevant changes are made in 2.8.8, then I would be happy if I could retain the CMake 2.8.7 installation (Never change a running system ;-))

But I will try 2.8.8 on the workstation and send you the output from 2.8.7 ("--verbose --debug").

Best Regards

Am 09. Mai 2012 um 11:31 schrieb Eric Noulard <eric.noulard at gmail.com>:

> 2012/5/9 <norulez at me.com>:
> >>> Is it the case? Is there any file in _CPack_Packages\win32\NSIS\MyProject
> >>> ?
> > No, there aren't any files
> >
> >
> >>> Could you copy/paste the exact message you get and may be running cpack
> >>> on the command line with ---verbose and --debug.
> > Sure, but I can only do so tomorrow
> >
> >
> >>> Nope normally you don't but what are you doing in your
> >>> "CPackConfig.cmake.in" ?
> > I only set the CPACK variables and additional variables which are used in
> > the NSIS.template.in file.
> > Because if I don't use the custom CPackConfig.cmake.in file then the
> > variables in the NSIS.template.in files aren't resolved.
> Please send us those files.
> As usual the devil may be in the details.
> >>> And do you have any INSTALL(CODE or INSTALL(SCRIPTS in your project?
> > Yes, i use this for the BundleUtilities like in the BundleUtilities example
> >
> > include(BundleUtilities)
> > fixup_bundle(\"${APPS}\" \"\${SHARED_LIBS}\" \"${DIRS}\")
> > " COMPONENT Runtime)
> I'm not a BundleUtilities user but code like that may break with CPack because
> CPack may internally use DESTDIR to do its local installation so that
> one should usually write:
> rather than
> however since you have NO file at all in the local CPack install dir,
> the problem is elsewhere.
> By the way could you try 2.8.8 instead of 2.8.7 ?
> -- 
> Erk
> Le gouvernement représentatif n'est pas la démocratie --
> http://www.le-message.org
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